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Recent Errors Made by Large Pharmacies and the Harmful Effects

In recent years, large pharmacies such as Walgreens and CVS have come under fire for making mistakes that can have serious and sometimes deadly consequences. From mislabeling of prescriptions to failing to properly fill orders, these errors have placed patients at risk and have had a devastating impact on their lives. One of the most common errors made by these large pharmacies is mislabeling prescriptions. This can be as simple as labeling the wrong patient’s name on the prescription, or more dangerous mistakes such as giving the wrong dosage or prescribing the wrong medication. This can lead to serious consequences, including overdosing, allergic reactions, and even death.

Another frequent mistake made by large pharmacies is failing to properly fill orders. This can mean that a medication is not filled at all, or that it is filled incorrectly. This can lead to dangerous delays in treatment and can cause serious medical complications. In some cases, it can even lead to fatalities. These errors can also have financial consequences. If a patient is prescribed the wrong medication, they may be stuck with a large bill for a medication they do not need. Additionally, if medications are not filled in a timely manner, it can lead to missed appointments and additional fees.

Finally, these errors can have a lasting impact on the reputation of these large pharmacies. When mistakes are made, patients are less likely to trust the pharmacy and may choose to go elsewhere for their healthcare needs. This can lead to decreased profits and a tarnished public image. Large pharmacies such as Walgreens and CVS have an obligation to provide their patients with the best possible care. When mistakes are made, it is important to take action to ensure that these errors do not happen again. By taking steps to improve safety and accuracy, these pharmacies can help protect their customers and ensure that they receive the best possible care.

Contact our firm today for a free case review. We work on a contingency fee basis, and are not paid unless we obtain a successful recovery for you. 

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