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Pharmacy Malpractice and Your Child's Health: Signs to Watch For

The health and well-being of our children are paramount, and as parents, we entrust healthcare professionals to provide the right medications for their conditions. However, pharmacy errors can happen, potentially jeopardizing a child's health. In this article, we will explore the signs and symptoms that may indicate a pharmacy error in a child's medication, and provide guidance on what parents should do if they suspect a problem.

1. Altered Symptoms: One of the most common signs of a pharmacy error is a change in your child's symptoms. If your child's condition doesn't improve or worsens after starting a new medication, it could be a red flag.

2. Unexpected Side Effects: Unusual or severe side effects that were not mentioned as potential risks when discussing the medication with your child's healthcare provider can indicate a problem.

3. Inconsistencies in Medication Appearance: Compare the medication you receive with what you were expecting. Any significant differences in color, size, shape, or packaging from previous prescriptions may indicate an issue.

4. Incorrect Dosage: If your child's medication is prescribed in a specific dosage and you notice that the pills or liquid you receive do not match the prescription, it's a cause for concern.

5. Medication Allergies: If your child has known allergies or sensitivities, yet the medication they receive causes an allergic reaction or discomfort, this could be a sign of a pharmacy error.

6. Unusual Taste or Smell: Trust your senses; if a medication tastes or smells different from what your child is accustomed to, there may be a mix-up or error in the medication provided.

7. Labeling Mistakes: Check the label on the medication packaging. If it contains the wrong name, incorrect dosage, or the wrong instructions, it is a clear sign of a pharmacy error.

8. Discrepancies in Medication History: Keep a record of your child's medication history. If you notice inconsistencies or discrepancies between what you've received and what has been prescribed, take action.

If you suspect a pharmacy error may have occurred with your child's medication, it's essential to act promptly:

1. Contact the Pharmacy: Reach out to the pharmacy where you obtained the medication. Explain your concerns and ask for clarification or corrections if needed.

2. Notify Your Child's Healthcare Provider: Inform your child's doctor about the situation. They can assess the situation, make necessary adjustments, and provide guidance on how to proceed.

3. Keep Records: Maintain detailed records of the medication, including dates, descriptions of symptoms, and any conversations with healthcare professionals or the pharmacy.

4. Consult with Legal Professionals: If you believe a pharmacy error has harmed your child, it's advisable to seek legal advice from experts who specialize in medical malpractice. They can help you navigate the legal aspects and ensure your child's rights are protected.

In situations where a child's health may be at risk due to a pharmacy error, it's crucial to act swiftly and responsibly to safeguard their well-being. If you suspect a pharmacy error has harmed your child, don't hesitate to contact Kennedy Law Firm for a free case review. We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you only pay if we successfully recover compensation for your family. Your child's health is our priority, and we are here to support you during these challenging times.

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If you or a loved one has suffered because of a wrong medication error, you can order our free book, "Making Pharmacies Pay For Their Mistakes" to learn more about taking action because of a medication error.
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