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Pharmacy Error: More Common Than You Think

A pharmacy is responsible for dispensing medications, advising patients, and educating people on the drugs they are prescribed by their doctors. But what happens if a pharmacist makes a mistake?

Pharmacists are human and mistakes happen - even at the pharmacy. However, these particular mistakes can be dangerous and have the potential to cause serious bodily harm.

There are several common mistakes pharmacists make that you can look out for to help protect you and your family from accidental danger. These include incorrect dosage information, incorrect dose or pill size, and incorrect medication.

Any of these small mistakes can cause poisoning, overdoses, and/or underdoses that can lead to severe side effects or even cause death. A misplaced decimal or a confusing set of instructions can be the cause of harm to you or a loved one.

Below are 5 of the most commonly prescribed medications:

Warfarin - blood thinner

Levothyroxine – treats underactive thyroid

Topamax - treats bipolar disorder, migraines, and seizures

Hydrocodone - controlled substance painkiller

Prednisone - steroid used to treat a variety of illnesses

These medications are often incorrectly dosed or mistaken for other medications, in part, due to the sheer amount that is prescribed every year. For instance, an estimated 2 million people in the United States are prescribed Warfarin annually. However, dosages for these common medications will often vary from person to person, which leads to the opportunity for mistakes.

Negligence at the pharmacy is a serious issue and can have fatal consequences so it is wise to remain vigilant and communicate with your pharmacist every time you pick up your medication.

If you believe that you received incorrect medication or were a victim of pharmaceutical malpractice caused by a pharmacist’s error or negligence, contact us for a free consultation. We will help you understand your rights and provide you with a free copy of “Making Pharmacies Pay for Their Errors” which will teach you how to protect your loved ones and yourself from negligence at the pharmacy.

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If you or a loved one has suffered because of a wrong medication error, you can order our free book, "Making Pharmacies Pay For Their Mistakes" to learn more about taking action because of a medication error.
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