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In May of 2022, a lawsuit was filed against Walgreens by the city of San Francisco. Walgreens has been accused of giving out prescription opioids with misleading messages about the safety of using them. There were no safety warnings on the bottle telling patients the side effects and how they could be improperly used.

One of the pharmacists who took the stand during the trial said the pharmacy was always understaffed and she felt pressured to fill as many prescriptions as she could in a small amount of time. She was constantly being told to go faster and just fill the prescriptions. This caused her to make grave mistakes. She stated she never even had time to counsel patients. 

She also didn’t have time to inspect the validity of every prescription coming - something pharmacists are required to do. Inspecting prescriptions allows the pharmacist to determine if it is legitimate or if someone could have possibly forged it to get painkillers or other drugs.

She did, however, notice that some of the prescriptions seemed odd. She would often look up the doctors online to see if they were real. She would also leave notes for other pharmacists to make them aware of the suspicious prescriptions. There were a few times when she refused to fill prescriptions because there was a major red flag.

The pharmacist stated that she and her colleagues did not feel like they had the support they needed from staffing to resolve all the issues that were going on in the pharmacy. She also admitted that they did not do their duties as pharmacists because of a lack of support and staffing issues.

Understaffing and the Opioid Crisis

Some of the questionable prescriptions that came into the pharmacy included prescriptions from a doctor who lost his license in 2013. He was giving people prescriptions for opioids who did not really need them.

Unfortunately, before he was caught, the pharmacists at Walgreens filled thousands of these illegitimate prescriptions.

Some of the people included homeless individuals who were given cash to pay for the orders. The doctor made almost half a million dollars making people pay between $80 to $150 per prescription to get the illegal drugs.

Part of the reason why so many fake prescriptions were filled was that the pharmacy was so understaffed. The pharmacists felt like they were being pressured to fill as many prescriptions as possible. As a result, they did not have time to check the doctor’s license or inquire more about the people bringing in the prescriptions.

San Francisco is an epicenter for the opioid crisis. Many of the annual deaths from opioids include homeless people and because many of the people who filled fake prescriptions were homeless, Walgreens was accused of contributing to the opioid crisis within the city.

Understaffing Can Lead to Grave Mistakes

It is becoming all too common for one pharmacist to work long shifts alone and manage the whole pharmacy during his or her shift. This can lead to the pharmacist feeling overwhelmed. Pharmacists all over the country are being pressured to fill prescriptions as fast as possible. 

Lack of Support is a Problem

As was seen in the trial, pharmacists often voice their concerns about being understaffed and not feeling supported. Unfortunately, management often ignores them. They may blame budget cuts or other issues for not being able to staff more pharmacists.

As a result, the pharmacists suffer and become overworked. This can all lead to serious problems. Some pharmacists may even choose to quit and find a job where they feel more appreciated which just further adds to the understaffing crisis.

Understaffing and Malpractice

Since the pharmacists at Walgreens did not have enough time to verify prescriptions and counsel patients, they neglected to do vital parts of their job. This is a form of negligence and malpractice.

Even though the company was pressuring them to blindly fill orders, they still had duties as pharmacists that they did not fulfill.

Pharmacy malpractice and negligence is a serious issues that can lead to injuries, deaths, and contribute to dangerous drug endemics.

If you or a loved one has been a victim of pharmacy malpractice, consider contacting Kennedy Law Firm. We can provide you with a free case review as assist you in determining next steps.

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