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August 10, 2021

Compounding Pharmacy Negligence and Malpractice

Pharmacy negligence is more common that you might think. Errors in filling medication orders can originate from the doctor’s office, from the staff at the pharmacy, or from the pharmacists themselves. Being given the wrong medication or the wrong dosage of one of your medicines can lead to significant injury or death.

For those who get their medications from a compounding pharmacy, the risk for error is far larger and the chances of a negligence increase greatly. There have been over two-hundred adverse events in compounding pharmacies in the US from 1990 to 2003. This number is low given the duration of time under consideration, but the number of compounding pharmacies in the US is lower than traditional pharmacies, which makes this level of incidence concerning.

If you have been harmed by compounding pharmacy negligence, read on to learn more about the causes of compounding pharmacy malpractice. 

What Are Compounding Pharmacies?

Compounding pharmacies mix, or combine the medications that they make for their patients to meet specific requirements for unique cases, or medications that are not FDA-approved. Sometimes compounding pharmacies supply medications in powdered form for those who cannot swallow pills, or they might offer medications that are a combination of two drugs made into one.

Compounding pharmacies are not required to follow the same guidelines as traditional pharmacies.

What Are the Risks Involved in Compounding Medications?

While compounded drugs can serve important functions for medical need, there is extra risk associated with these medications. Compounded drugs are not FDA-approved, which means that they are not subject to the scrutiny and trials that other medications are.

In addition, compounding pharmacies have the option to create medications that combine two types of drugs or more, which can lead to drug interactions. Contamination is also a risk as the mixing of these drugs is done by hand and not in a controlled environment.

What Kinds of Injuries Could Compounding Pharmacy Negligence Cause?

There are a myriad of injuries that can result from compounding pharmacy negligence.

  • Meningitis: In 2012, fungal meningitis was associated with compounded drugs that were dispensed in the US. Compounding pharmacies are not required to adhere to the same standards as drug manufacturers, and bacteria and other kinds of contamination in compounded drugs cause harm to people every year.
  • Incorrect Dosage: Because compounded medications must be measured meticulously before they are dispensed, it is common for errors in measurement to affect the dosage of medications that are dispensed to patients.
  • Combining Incompatible Drugs: There are not the same rules in place for compounding pharmacies as other entities that produce medications. This means that the pharmacy can choose to mix medications if they want, leading to serious drug interactions.

What to Do if You Have Been Harmed Due to Compounding Pharmacy Negligence

If you have been harmed by compounding pharmacy negligence, you need to be sure to engage the right legal team to represent your case and get you the compensation that you deserve. Click here to set up your consultation today!

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