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Pharmacy errors are a major problem in the healthcare industry, with potentially serious consequences for patients. According to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), medication errors are the most common type of medical error, accounting for over 70% of all medical errors. These errors can range from minor mistakes, such as incorrect dosages, to more serious errors, such as incorrect medications or incorrect patient information. Unfortunately, these errors can have serious consequences for patients, including serious injury or even death.

The ISMP estimates that there are approximately 1.3 million medication errors in the United States each year, resulting in over 700,000 injuries and 7,000 deaths. Of these errors, the most common types are incorrect dosages (37%), incorrect medications (25%), and incorrect patient information (17%). These errors can occur at any stage of the medication process, from prescribing to dispensing to administering.

Pharmacies are particularly vulnerable to errors due to the complexity of the medication process. Pharmacists must be able to accurately interpret prescriptions, dispense the correct medications, and provide accurate information to patients. Unfortunately, pharmacies are often understaffed and overworked, which can lead to mistakes. In addition, pharmacies often lack the necessary technology to ensure accuracy, such as automated dispensing systems.

The most common types of pharmacy errors are incorrect dosages, incorrect medications, and incorrect patient information. Incorrect dosages can occur when a pharmacist incorrectly interprets a prescription or dispenses the wrong amount of medication. Incorrect medications can occur when a pharmacist dispenses the wrong medication or the wrong form of a medication. Incorrect patient information can occur when a pharmacist fails to provide the correct information to a patient, such as instructions for taking the medication or potential side effects.

The consequences of pharmacy errors can be serious. According to the ISMP, medication errors can lead to serious injury or even death. In addition, errors can lead to increased healthcare costs, as patients may require additional treatments or hospitalizations due to the error.

Fortunately, there are steps that pharmacies can take to reduce the risk of errors. Pharmacies should ensure that they have adequate staffing and resources to ensure accuracy. In addition, pharmacies should invest in automated dispensing systems to reduce the risk of errors.

Finally, pharmacies should ensure that their staff is properly trained and that they are following the correct procedures for dispensing medications. In conclusion, pharmacy errors are a major problem in the healthcare industry, with potentially serious consequences for patients. Pharmacies should take steps to reduce the risk of errors, such as ensuring adequate staffing and resources, investing in automated dispensing systems, and properly training staff.

Contact our firm today for a free case review. We work on a contingency fee basis, and are not paid unless we obtain a successful recovery for you. 


1. Institute for Safe Medication Practices. (2020). Medication Errors. Retrieved from

2. Institute for Safe Medication Practices. (2020). Medication Errors: Statistics and Trends. Retrieved from

3. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2020). Medication Errors. Retrieved from

4. National Institute of Health. (2020). Medication Errors. Retrieved from

5. National Institute of Health. (2020). Pharmacy Errors: What You Need to Know. Retrieved from

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